Heavy Civil Structures: Given their robust nature, it is easy for private owners of hydraulic structures / dams and waterpower facilities to ignore, or at least minimize the preventative maintenance effort and cost for these structures, especially if there are more pressing budget concerns relating to mechanical or electrical elements. However, concrete hydraulic structures in Ontario are exposed to very severe conditions and experience continued, degenerative deterioration over their lifespan. If this deterioration is not addressed, it can quickly lead to:
- safety issues for staff and the public,
- regulatory issues with respect to non-compliant environmental practices,
- water infiltration through the structure that can expedite deterioration,
- larger, more expensive repairs,
- forced shut downs of the facility to accommodate larger repairs.
Identifying the early signs of deterioration and prioritizing recommended repairs through regular Structural Inspections performed by a Professional Engineer can be essential for the preparation of a comprehensive preventative maintenance plan for facility.
At MKE we provide the following scope for our Structural Inspections:
- visual inspection of all structural elements of the facility,
- prepare a baseline condition report,
- outline all observed areas of concern,
- prepare a prioritized workplan for recommended additional investigations, maintenance, and rehabilitation,
- prepare a monitoring plan
After the Structural Inspection, MKE can provide professional services for the design, tendering and construction administration for the recommended repairs.