Spring Has Finally Sprung in 2019!

With the winter finally over, we have brushed the snow off of Willy and are back on the road for another year of the #WheresWilly team touring Canadian waterfalls, dams and waterpower stations. Our first stop in 2019 was a very wet and rainy one at the Marmora Generating Station on the Crowe River east of Peterborough.  This waterpower plant was constructed in 1992 at the site of a couple of old mills and adjacent to the Crowe River Conservation dam.

Now is the perfect time for dam owners to be thinking about seeing how their structures fared over the long cold winter, with respect to impacts from ice, debris from the spring runoff, and washouts from high spring water levels.

The Canadian Dam Association recommends that structural inspections be completed ever 1 to 2 years by a qualified dam professional.  Our team can work with you to assess the condition of your dam and other waterpower structures, and help you develop a comprehensive preventative maintenance and improvement plan that works with your needs and budget to reduce future replacement and downtime costs and extend their lifespans.